Author Events
School/ Class Reading
If you are looking for a unique way to encourage empathy and understanding within your classroom or school, consider signing up for an Author Reading of "Our Service Dogs." During this 15 to 45 minute presentation, Amber Hill will read her book and share the stories of 8 children with various disabilities and the service dogs who help them. Options include virtual readings, in person events, accompanied by Riley, the Service dog, or author only. Amber Hill can discuss the writing and publishing process and tips on illustrating your own stories. Teacher packets with writing prompts and guided art experiences are available. Choose from your options below. Because disability awareness is a passion for Amber, there is currently no cost for these author visits.
Library Events
There is currently no cost for Library events that are within or near to Lenawee County Michigan, other events may include a fee to cover travel costs. Use the form below to request an author event.